April 10, 2010

Test & Tune And Novice School

Today was an absolute blast. Big ups to my Co-Driver Shane for the good times and helping me prep for the day, testing various tire pressures and just coming out and having fun. Big ups to Bill Gendron for the amazing alignment, and special big ups to Chris for letting me use his Go Hero Pro camera on some of my runs. Lastly, big ups to the NEPOC crew for coming out and taking awesome pics of me and the event, (that means you Josh!), sorry I did not have much time to talk and hang out. Overall, the day was a blast, and great practice for Sunday.Rob MacAlpine had set up two courses; one small course with various autocross elements on a single runway in the back (where we used to grid) for novices with instructors. Then there was a full course with no instructors for the veteran racers. The course was surprisingly fast for a Renegade Miata event, but had it's tricky moments that would catch people off guard if they weren't prepared for it. Average times for the day was between 1'13 to 1'16 for most racers. Shane scored a low 1'16 clean while I managed to pull two 1'10s for my best time. There was still some more time I could have shaved off out there, but I was more focused on getting out there and shaking off the cobwebs from the winter. Not much else to say as the pictures and videos will do most of the talking for me. Can't wait for tomorrows event, should be a good one!Almost forgot to mention! In the morning on the way to Devens, the power steering had failed on me sadly, but came back for the rest of the day luckily. Looks like I will need to take it to the dealership again. 3rd times always a charm as they say, right?
Videos are below. I don't have any editing software so Chris will be editing them for me sometime soon. In the meantime, here is the raw, unedited footage of 3 evening runs. 1st one is a 1'13, 2nd is my best run of 1'10.4 and the 3rd video is a 1'10.7 (where I made a poor mistake at the slalom! I could've easily gotten a 1'09 or 1'08 even!

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