Stand aside Autozone, PepBoys, etc... These guys will do it all and more! Super Autobacs is like a very large candy store for anyone who loves their car. Want to get some rotary-specific motor oil and track brake pads, while picking up Recaro seats for your car? Super Auto Bacs is your place. Want to look at some amazing lightweight wheels in person and the tires that will be going on them? Not a problem. Oh, did you want racing shoes, a helmet, quality car wax, and some wheel totes? Sure, they have all that too, along with some "spirited music for spirited driving".

I'm not sure if it's bi-weekly or monthly, but every so often, a tuner shop or aftermarket company will have some cars on display outside, while having a sale on their products inside the store. Yes, that's right folks, you heard me. Super Autobacs actually sells products from tuner shops in Japan. Want some more? They even have a used parts counter in where you can speak to a sales clerk, give him an OEM part number, and he'll search their warehouse (which is apart of the same building) database to see if it's in stock. If not, they'll find it and let you know ASAP.
If you're not overwhelmed yet at everything they have to offer, then good...Because there is even MORE. They have a garage with many bays apart of the building, and cater to both stock cars and heavily modified cars. Want a full wash and detail with that? Sure, they offer that in their dedicated car wash booth as well. The last great feature about Autobacs is that they are also a used car dealer. Typically, you can find some stock or mildly modified cars in mint condition for sale for a great price. Autobacs is essentially your one-stop shop for all of your needs!
After spending a few hours looking around (and drooling profusely everywhere...), I managed to grab some small goodies for myself and some friends back home. Little gifts such as the ever popular car air freshners, and some Bride seat cushions for long road trips. If I had more room in my suitcase, I would have definitely spent more money there! There is a great YouTube video clip that is from an old Top Gear episode that shows off Super Autobacs below, just to give you an idea of what to expect.
I stumbled across one in Chiba and and a look around. It mind blowing to see so many enthusiast items in a brick and mortar store like that.
When I was at RE-Amemiya, the guy working there tried giving me directions to another SAB where there was a Rotary demo going on, sadly I was unable to locate it.
Yeah I bet that was the one with the huge parking lot that he was trying to direct you to. I was hoping to visit that one but unfortunately I didn't get to. How was your visit at RE-Amemiya? Nice guys there? I really wanted to visit Knight Sports but I never got the chance sadly.
RE-A was great. I went to Tokyo on holiday last year and rented a car just so I could make it to Chiba to visit them. One guy was in the shop that day and he was super nice (but then who isn't over there?).
There were a lot of cars on the lot that I imagine were customer cars. My pics starting with the RE-A visit are here:
Those are some awesome pictures! We went to a lot of similar places it looks like. Did you try the Pocari Sweat by chance? I didn't, I was a bit nervous to, given the name... Haha!
Thanks for sharing that though. Do you have any RE-Amemiya parts on your car by chance?
I love Pocari Sweat... great for hangovers which were pretty frequent for me there, I also buy the powdered mix and use it when I run instead of gatorade.
No RE-A parts on my car, just a decal on the back. Under ordinary circumstances I wouldn't wear a decal of a company unless I did have some of their parts... but considering how far I had to go to buy that sticker, i earned it!
Haha, yeah same for me with the hang overs... I didn't really have a choice. :)
Don't blame you on that. They have nice rotary decals anyways.
Keep in touch Rob!
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