June 21, 2014

Renegade Miata Co-Drive

Red isn't my color, but I will admit this is a gorgeous car...
Brian was kind enough to let me co-drive his 2009 RX-8 R3 for this event, as I wanted to drive something a little different. Even though his alignment was very out of whack due to seized camber bolts, I still had a blast and it was great practice! Thanks Brian!

I LOVE the series 2 taillights
Even though I had to fight the car's awkward alignment, I was still able to put down a fast time of '77.537 clean. My fastest was a '76.291 +2 cones, that I would always hit if I didn't give up speed due to the bad alignment. It would start to push in the middle of a sweeper, causing me to wash out right when I didn't want it to. I took 1st for the day in Other Mazdas category, with 12th overall in PAX out of 57.
It also didn't body roll as much as I expected it to
The rest of the results are located here on Renegade Miata's website. Below is a video of my fastest clean run and fastest dirty run. Thanks again to Brian for the awesome co-drive and can't wait to try it out with a fixed alignment!

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