May 24, 2014

Practice Before Match Tour

Photo credit to Chang Ho Kim - FunPhotos
Ben and I were originally aiming to try out the new rear springs I had picked up for the car for the upcoming Match Tour, but unfortunately I did not get them installed in time. Instead we just had fun and battled it out for top PAX for the day.

I was aiming to get into the '62's but I couldn't milk it out of the car. That, matched with doing a lot of double (and even triple) steering inputs for some reason, I wasn't doing as hot as I was hoping. My fastest run was a '63.631 clean, which was good enough for 2nd in PAX and 2nd in Other Mazdas, behind Ben who was co-driving with me for the day. The rest of the results are located here on Renegade Miata's website. Below is a video of my fastest run.

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